Application for Phytosanitary Certificate | A person or body who intends to obtain the phyto-sanitary certificate pursuant to Subsection (1) or (2) of Section 12 of the Act has to make an application, accompanied by the following documents and the fee of One Hundred Rupees and of Two Hundred Rupees |
Application for permit to import/export seeds | Any person or body looking to export or import the Notified Seeds of any variety or species shall have to submit an application to the Member Secretary of the Board. Rule 18 |
Application for Permission for Import of Plants | Application format Procedure for Permission for Import of Plants |
Application for Permission for Imports of Plants at entry point | A person or body bringing plant products, biological control agents, beneficial organisms or plant growing substance such as soil, moss, and peat at the point of entry with intent to import them into Nepal and intends to get quarantine related necessary |
Application for Renewal Permission for Import of Plants | A person or body who intends to renew the entry permit has to make an application, to the Chief of Office who has issued such permit, prior to Seven days of the expiration of the term of the entry permit.The renewal fee of NRS 400. rule 6. |
Application for Permission for Carriage of Consignments | Any person or body who intends to carry to another country via the route of Nepal any consignments of plants and plant products or other articles in transit has to make an application, accompanied by the fees of One Thousand Rupees, to the Office। |
Registration of Motor Vehicle | An application accompanied by the following documents must be made to the Office to register the motor vehicle. Rule 4. |
Diplomatic privilege | Institutions, officials or persons, who are entitled to diplomatic privilege or duty privilege, should apply in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs declaring the descriptions of the goods, price and quantity in order to avail of such privileges. Rule 3. |
Formality to be fulfilled for sending goods from one foreign country to another foreign country through Nepalese territory | In case of sending goods from one foreign country to another foreign country through Nepalese territory, the owner of goods should submit goods and the four copies of application form and the declaration form in the related Customs office. Rule 6. |
Formality to be fulfilled regarding duty privilege for sending Goods from one part of foreign country to another part of foreign country through Nepalese territory | n case of sending goods from one part of foreign country to another part of foreign country through Nepalese territory, the owner of goods should submit an application specifying the reasons for using Nepalese territory, export and import Customs poi |
Application for Agency Registration | A person interested to work as an agent shall apply with all prescribed details before the prescribed officer to register his/her name. Rule 4 and 5. |
License to keep shop of, carry on wholesale business of, food | A person who sells, distributes, or carries on the wholesale business of, or imports,by keeping a shop shall obtain a license from the Village Development Committee or Municipality where the place of his business is situated, upon making payment of the f |
Permission for Foreign Investment & Technology Transfer | Permission of the Department shall be required to be obtained for foreign investment or technology transfer.Article 3. |
Provision Relating to Visa for foreign investment and technology transfer | A foreign national visiting Nepal in connection with undertaking any study or carrying out any research with the objective of making investment in Nepal shall be provided a non tourist visa for up to six months. Section 6. |
Registration of Permanent Account Number. | Any person who has not obtained the Permanent Account Number at the time of commencement of these Rules and intends to earn assessable income or any person whomsoever who withhold tax under Chapter-17 of the Act shall submit an application to the Departm |
Registration of Trademark | A person desirous to register the trademark of his business registered shall submit to the Department an application along with four specimen of such trade-marks. Section 17. Registration of Trademark. Application Fee - Rs 1,000 Trademark Fee |
Registration of Patent | A person wishing to register a patent in his/her name shall submit to the Department an application containing the particulars along with all available evidence in his/her possession: Procedure to Register Patent. Application Fee- Rs 2,000. Patent Fe |
Renewal of Patent | A patent holder shall renew the patent within a period of 35 days from the date of expiry of the term for which he is entitled to use the patent, by submitting an application in a format mentioned in Schedule 2(D)and paying the fee motioned in S |
Recommendation letter to be obtained for exportation or importation of drug | Aperson who intends to import or export a drug shall make an application to the Department. Rule 5. |
Registration prior to importation of drug | Registration prior to importation of drug |
Provisional Registration of Motor Vehicle | To obtain provisional registration of a motor vehicle, the owner shall make an application to the Office with an applicant accompanied by the required fee. Rule 5. |
Re-export or Re-import of exported or imported goods | If the goods have been re-exported as per sub-rule (1), and the goods for replacement have not been imported or the foreign exchange paid for the goods have not been remitted within six months from the date of re-export of goods , the concerned Customs of |
Renewal of Trademark | A Trademark holder shall renew the trademark within a period of 35 days from the date of expiry of the term for which he is entitled to use the or trade-mark submitting an application paying the required fee. |
Release of Bank Guarantee or deposit | The industry with the bonded warehouse facility should apply for the release of the bank guarantee in the concerned Customs office.Rule 14 |
Special arrangement for the import of goods by furnishing bank guarantee or deposit | On the prior approval of the Department, if the importer sales imported goods to the industry located in the Special Economic Zone, such importer , in case of payment of customs duty at the time of import, should apply at the customs office for the re |
Certificate of import | The person importing goods attracting sales tax or other taxes in the foreign country, may apply for getting certificate of import in the concerned customs office along with the documents proving the import of such goods. |
Refund of the excess amount of the customs duty or the penalty | If the exporter or importer paid more than the due amount of customs duty for the export or import of goods or the penalty, the exporter or importer should apply for the refund of the excess amount at the customs office. |
Recovering penalty or shortfall of the customs duty | The exporter or importer or their customs agent , in case of shortfall in the amount to be deposited as customs duty because of mathematical error, or due to the difference in the classification head or sub-head, or for other reasons, or the penalty amou |
Refund of the deposit from the customs office | Anybody who deposited fund in the customs office as per this Act or rule, should apply for the refund to the customs officer within one year after the purpose for which the fund is deposited is realised. |
Export and Import for goods for repair | In case of sending any goods to a foreign country from Nepal for the purpose of repair or to bring such goods into Nepal after repair thereof, full particulars regarding the number, and size and specification of such goods, as far as possible, shall be |
License to be obtained and marking to be affixed to export of forest products | Any person, District Forest Product Supply Committee or Agency desiring of obtaining the Forest products shall submit an application to the Authorised Officer. |
Licence to be Obtained and Markings to be Affixed | No one shall achieve, collect, takeout, sale and distribute, export or transport any Forest Products or enter into a Forest Area with any of these intentions without obtaining a Licence. |
Application for Registration of Pesticides | A person, organisation or body who intends to import, export or produce the pesticides shall, prior to the carrying out of such act, make an application to the office committee, along with the registration fee of One Thousand Rupees. Rule 3. |
Duty not to be charged | If any importer makes an application for not releasing any goods imported by that importer and for so leaving such goods with the Customs Office that they belong to the Government of Nepal, no duty shall be charged on such goods. |
Quarantine Certificate | The Quarantine officer shall, upon completion of the quarantine process for the animal, products of animal origin or livestock product materials to be imported, make available a Quarantine Certificate in the format referred to in Schedule-2 to the concern |
Recommendation Relating to Export and import of Animals | The person willing to obtain a letter of recommendation for the purpose of section 18 of the act shall have to submit an application on the format referred to in schedule -6 along with a fee of three hundred rupees. |
The terms to be abided by while exporting | While Exporting an Animal, The products of animal origin or Livestock Product materials, the Exporter shall abide by the various terms. |
The terms to be followed while importing livestock product materials | The Importer shall, while importing animal origin or Livestock Products materials, have to abide by the various terms. |
To be kept in Animal Quarantine | An importer should keep imported animal, animal products or animal production inputs in Quarantine for a specified period of time for their inspection. |
Application for License to import raw materials for production of cigarette, alcohol etc | Any person, firm, company or organisation looking to manufacture, import, sell or store a product subject to excise duty or deliver the service subject to excise duty has to make an application, accompanied by the license fee to the Excise Duty Officer s |
Application for Excise License | Any person, firm, company or organisation who desires to manufacture, import, sell or store a product subject to excise duty or deliver the service subject to excise duty has to make an application, accompanied by the license fee r to the Excise Duty Offi |
Application for import entry permit (plants) | Beneficial organisms or plant growing means such as soil, moss, and peat has to make an application, accompanied by the application fee of Two Hundred Rupees to the Chief of Office for the entry permit. |
Details to be submitted by the Importer Regarding Import of the Substance and the Dealer | The importer shall, on six monthly basis, submit the details of the specification, quantity and type of the substances imported as well as sold & distributed to the dealers as well as in his stock to the Ministry. |
Adopting Approved Payment System | Procedure of adoptoing Approved Payment System |
Submission of details of construction goods imported under facility | This procedure details the process of submission of details of construction goods imported under facility |
Paying royalty for mineral excavation | This procedure for paying royalty for mineral excavation. |
Local Development Fee for mineral excavation | A procedure about paying local development fee for extracting mineral for export. |
About labelling on container of packed food | This section provides procedure to be followed by labelling container or packed food. |
About mandatory labelling requirement on edible items | About mandatory labelling on edible items |
About criteria to be followed while labelling edible items | Procedure of Criteria to be followed while labelling edible items |
About writing edible item' s name on packages | This section provides procedure about clearly writing name of edible item on packages. |
About getting approval for labels of edible items | |
About mentioning edible items that could cause allergy | Regarding mentioning edible items that could cause allergy |
About mentioning the weight or volume of food products | The weight or volume of food products should be mentioned in the package. |
About mentioning the number of licenses of manufacturing food items | The number of licenses of manufacturing food items should be clearly mentioned in the packges, |
About criteria to be followed while importing food items | Criteria to be followed while importing food items to Nepal. |
About mentioning lot number and batch number in packaged food items container label | manufacturers are required to mention lot number and batch number in packaged food items container label. |
About mentioning manufacturing date of food items and expiry date | |
About mentioning the method of using food items | About the possibility of mentioning method of using food items. |
About using language on food item labels | About language to be used on food item labels |
About using language on food item labels | About mentioning blend materials and additive used in food. |
About mentioning name and address of the manufacturer or the sub manufacturer | About mentioning the name and address of the manufacturer or the sub manufacturer |
About indicating if food items are Vegetarian and non-vegetarian | About indicating if food items are Vegetarian and non-vegetarian |
About claiming ingredients in the label of food items | About claiming ingredients in the label of food items |
About mentioning radiation use | About mentioning the use of radiation use in food items |
Application for the registration of a private firm | This procedure outlines a procedure to to register a private firm. |
Format of Application to be an agent | Format of Application to be an agent |
Duration of the Registered Agency, Renewal and Fee | Duration of the Registered Agency, Renewal and Fee |
Transfer of ownership of agency | Procedure about transfer of ownership of agency |
To Certify Electronic Record | To Certify Electronic Record |
Licence for Certifying Authority | This is a procedure about the necessity of licence for Certifying Authority |
Renewal of a Licence of Certifying authority | Procedure about renewal of a licence of Certifying authority |
Certifying Authority may stop the Business | Certifying Authority may stop the Business |
To obtain digital signature certificate | Application to be filed to obtain digital signature certificate |
Procedure of Issuing of a digital signature Certificate | Procedure of Issuing of a digital signature Certificate |
Application for license to carry out public construction works | Procedure to apply for license to carry out public construction works |
Renewal of license for public construction works | सार्वजनिक निर्माण कार्य गर्न चाहने निर्माण व्यवसायीले इजाजतपत्रको नवीकरण सम्बन्धी व्यवस्थाRenew |
Apply for temporary license to carry out public construction | Procedure to apply for temporary license to carry out public construction |
Submission of details of completed public construction works | Procedure of submitting details of all completed public construction works. |
Recommendation letter to establish drug industry | Recommendation letter to establish drug industry |
Registration of drug prior to its sale and distribution | Procedure to register drug prior to its sale and distribution |
Recommendation letter for exportation or importation of drug | Procedure to recieve recommendation letter for exportation or importation of drug |
Applications for registration of VAT | Procedure for Applications for registration of VAT |
Procedure to Obtain a License to Conduct a Survey of Production of Electricity | Procedure to to obtain a License to Conduct a Survey of Production of Electricity |
Application to obtain a License to Conduct a Survey of Transmission of Electricity | Procedure of obtaining a License to Conduct a Survey of Transmission of Electricity |
Application to be submitted to Obtain a License for Production of Electricity | Application to be submitted to Obtain a License for Production of Electricity |
Applying for a License to conduct a Survey of Distribution of Electricity | Procedure of applying for a License to conduct a Survey of Distribution of Electricity |
A procedure to apply for a license for Transmission of Electricity | A procedure to apply for a license for Transmission of Electricity |
Application to be submitted to obtain a License for Distribution of Electricity | Application to be submitted to obtain a License for Distribution of Electricity:- |
Renew the License for survey production, transmission or distribution of electricity | Procedure to Renew the License for survey production, transmission or distribution of electricity:- |
Obtain the Forest products | Procedure to obtain forest products |
License to collect, Sell and Distribute of Herbs | Collection, Sale and Distribution of Herbs |
Sale and Distribution of Other Forest Products | Procedure of applying for permit to sell and distribute of other Forest Products |
Applying for Prospecting License to prospect minerals quality and quantity of which have not been yet determined | Procedure for applying for Prospecting License to prospect minerals quality and quantity of which have not been yet determined |
Application for license for the Ordinary Construction Oriented Minerals | Procedure to apply for license for the Ordinary Construction Oriented Minerals |
Transfer of License related to minerals | Procedure to transfer of license related to minerals |
License to be obtained to produce, distribute and ,exhibit motion picture and operate cinema hall. | License to be obtained to produce, distribute and ,exhibit motion picture and operate cinema hall. |
Renewal of license to produce, distribute or exhibit motion pictures | Procedure to renew license to produce, distribute or exhibit motion pictures. |
Sale or transfer of Motion Picture (production, exhibition and distribution) license | Sale or transfer of Motion Picture (production, exhibition and distribution) license |
Censor motion pictures | Procedure to apply to get motion pictures censored |
Approval to be taken for dubbing | Approval to be taken for dubbing |
Transfer registration of motor vehicle | Procedure to transfer registration of motor vehicle |
Apply for route permit | Procedure to apply for route permit |
Motor Vehicle Route change | Procedure to change Motor Vehicle Route |
Permit for Petroleum refinery | Procedure to apply for permit for Petroleum refinery |
Permission, consent or approval for Petroleum Operations | Procedure for permission, consent or approval for Petroleum Operations |
License to conduct survey or to utilise water resources | Procedure to apply for license to conduct survey or to utilise water resources |
Certificate of Origin | Procedure to apply for Certificate of Origin |