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Procedure Name Application for Permission for Imports of Plants at entry point

Protection Rule 2066 ( 2010)

Rule 7:  Obtaining entry permit at entry point:

(1)    If a person or body, who brings at the point of entry plants, plant products, biological control agents, beneficial organisms or plant growing substance such as soil, moss, and peat with intent to import them into Nepal, pursuant to Section 7 of the Act, and intends to get quarantine related necessary measures be done and make their entry into Nepal, the person or body has to fill up the declaration form in the format as referred to in Schedule- 8 and submit the form to the Office for the entry permit of such goods  (articles) into Nepal.

(2)    The declaration form submitted pursuant to Sub-rule (1) has to be accompanied by the following documents:

a)      The import entry permit obtained pursuant to Rule (5),

b)      The documents as referred to in pursuant to Sub-rule  (2) of Rule 5,

c)       The phyto-sanitary certificate issued by the country exporting the goods, as referred to in            Sub-rule (1), which are intended to be imported.

(3)    If, upon necessary examination of the application received pursuant to Sub-rule (1) and the documents accompanied by it, it appears reasonable to issue the entry permit, the Office shall obtain necessary sample of the goods to be imported and send the same to the laboratory for phytosanitary test.

(4)    If, upon laboratory test of the sample received pursuant to Sub-rule (3), the imported goods (articles) are found to be healthy, the Office shall issue the clearance slip in the format as referred to in Schedule-9 for the entry of such goods into Nepal.

(5)    If, upon laboratory test of a sample received pursuant to Sub-rule (3), such sample is found to contain quarantine pests, the imported goods have to be destroyed pursuant to Rule 15, and if it is found unsafe due to other than quarantine pest, the imported goods shall be sent for treatment pursuant to Rule 13, or destroyed directly pursuant to Rule 15, at the request of the importer.

(6)    If, subsequent to the treatment carried out pursuant to Rule 13, the imported goods are found to be healthy, the Office shall issue the clearance slip pursuant to Sub-rule (4) for the entry of such goods into Nepal.

(7)    If, even after the treatment carried out pursuant to Rule 13, the imported goods are found to be unhealthy, the Office shall either destroy such goods pursuant to Rule 15 or return, or cause to be returned, such goods to the concerned country.

(8)    Any plants, plant products, biological control agents and beneficial organisms imported for the purpose of research have to be tested at the post entry quarantine site, and if, on such test, such goods are found to be healthy, the Office shall permit their use in Nepal.

Provided that, if such goods are found infected, they shall be destroyed pursuant to Rule 15.

Requirements/Supporting Documents

1.       Company Registration Certificate

2.       PAN/VAT

3.       Tax clearance Certificate

4.       Letter from concerned department

5.       The import entry permit obtained pursuant to Rule (5),

6.       The documents as referred to in pursuant to Sub-rule  (2) of Rule 5,

a.       A copy of the citizenship certificate or passport of the importer,

b.      A copy of the certificate of registration of body and renewal thereof if import is intended to be made in the name of such organization,

c.       A copy of the pro-forma invoice of the organisms to be imported,

d.      Recommendation of the Seeds Quality Control Centre if an import of seeds is made,

e.      If an import is made for the purpose of research, a request letter of the researcher person or organization  and recommendation made by the Nepal Agricultural

f.        Research Council.

7.       The phyto-sanitary certificate issued by the country exporting the goods, as referred to in Sub-rule (1), which are intended to be imported.


Category Procedure

Title Description Create Date Update Date Issued By File
Application Form for the Renewal of Entry Permit Format of application for the renewal of entry permit 2016-03-31 2020-09-09 minsitry of government

Name Measure Type Agency Description Comments Legal Document Validity To Measure Class
Entry Permission at entry point for Import of Plants Permit Requirement Ministry of Agriculture Development (Rule 7) Preventing the introduction, establishment, prevalence and spread of pests while importing plants and plant products, promoting trade in plants and plant products by adopting appropriate measures for their effective control. An entry permit will be granted provided the declaration form submitted pursuant of Sub-rule (1) of Rule 7 of the Plant Protection Rules 2066 (2010) is accompanies by documents pursuant of sub-rule (2) of Rule 7 and meets the criteria pursuant sub-rule (3) of this section. Plant Protection Rule 2066 ( 2010) 9999-01-31 Goods