Mandatory labelling on edible items | It is mandatory to label all edible items manufactured or packaged in Nepal as well as edible items imported to Nepal or exported from Nepal. Rule 4. | NOTE: The measure presented is based on an Act currently under consideration. The information presented is solely for guidance purposes and does not constitute an official requirement. TEPC will update this information as and when appropriate. | Active | measures | Goods |
Criteria to be followed while labelling edible items | Rule 7 Criteria to be followed while labelling edible items | NOTE: The measure presented is based on an Act currently under consideration. The information presented is solely for guidance purposes and does not constitute an official requirement. TEPC will update this information as and when appropriate | Active | measures | Goods |
Edible item' s name should be clearly written on packages | The name of the edible item should be be clearly marked on the main area that customers can see. | NOTE: The measure presented is based on an Act currently under consideration. The information presented is solely for guidance purposes and does not constitute an official requirement. TEPC will update this information as and when appropriate | Active | measures | Goods |
Get approval for labels of edible items | Procedure about getting approval for labels of edible items. Rule 3 | NOTE: The measure presented is based on an Act currently under consideration. The information presented is solely for guidance purposes and does not constitute an official requirement. TEPC will update this information as and when appropriate | Active | measures | Goods |
Edible items that could cause allergy should be mentioned | Regarding mentioning edible items that could cause allergy on packages. | NOTE: The measure presented is based on an Act currently under consideration. The information presented is solely for guidance purposes and does not constitute an official requirement. TEPC will update this information as and when appropriate | Active | measures | Goods |
The weight or volume of food products should be mentioned | Rule 11. In the label of food items, weight as well as if it is liquid or semi liquid should be mentioned. | NOTE: The measure presented is based on an Act currently under consideration. The information presented is solely for guidance purposes and does not constitute an official requirement. TEPC will update this information as and when appropriate | Active | measures | Goods |
The number of licenses of manufacturing food items should be clearly mentioned | The number of licenses issued by the government department for manufacturing food items should be clearly mentioned where people can see. | NOTE: The measure presented is based on an Act currently under consideration. The information presented is solely for guidance purposes and does not constitute an official requirement. TEPC will update this information as and when appropriate | Active | measures | Goods |
Criteria to be followed while importing food items | The following creterias are to be followed while importing food items. | NOTE: The measure presented is based on an Act currently under consideration. The information presented is solely for guidance purposes and does not constitute an official requirement. TEPC will update this information as and when appropriate | Active | measures | Goods |
Lot number and batch number should be mentioned in packaged food items container label | Lot number and batch number should be mentioned in packaged food items container label. Rule 15 | NOTE: The measure presented is based on an Act currently under consideration. The information presented is solely for guidance purposes and does not constitute an official requirement. TEPC will update this information as and when appropriate | Active | measures | Goods |
Manufacturing date of food items and expiry date should be clearly mentioned | Rule 16. Manufacturing date of food items and expiry date should be clearly mentioned | NOTE: The measure presented is based on an Act currently under consideration. The information presented is solely for guidance purposes and does not constitute an official requirement. TEPC will update this information as and when appropriate | Active | measures | Goods |
The method of using food items can be mentioned | The method of using food items can be mentioned. Rule 17. | NOTE: The measure presented is based on an Act currently under consideration. The information presented is solely for guidance purposes and does not constitute an official requirement. TEPC will update this information as and when appropriate | Active | measures | Goods |
Identity and proof of business identity can be mentioned on food item packages. | Rule 18 Identity and proof of business identity can be mentioned on food item packages. | NOTE: The measure presented is based on an Act currently under consideration. The information presented is solely for guidance purposes and does not constitute an official requirement. TEPC will update this information as and when appropriate | Active | measures | Goods |
Language to be used on food item labels | About the language to be used on food item labels | NOTE: The measure presented is based on an Act currently under consideration. The information presented is solely for guidance purposes and does not constitute an official requirement. TEPC will update this information as and when appropriate | Active | measures | Goods |
Blend materials and additive used in food should be mentioned | Rule 9. About blend materials and additive used in food | NOTE: The measure presented is based on an Act currently under consideration. The information presented is solely for guidance purposes and does not constitute an official requirement. TEPC will update this information as and when appropriate | Active | measures | Goods |
Name and address of the manufacturer or the sub manufacturer should be mentioned | about mentioning the name and address of the manufacturer or the sub manufacturer. | NOTE: The measure presented is based on an Act currently under consideration. The information presented is solely for guidance purposes and does not constitute an official requirement. TEPC will update this information as and when appropriate | Active | measures | Goods |
Indicate Vegetarian and non-vegetarian food items | About indicating Vegetarian and non-vegetarian food items. | NOTE: The measure presented is based on an Act currently under consideration. The information presented is solely for guidance purposes and does not constitute an official requirement. TEPC will update this information as and when appropriate | Active | measures | Goods |
Claiming ingredients on the label of food items. | About claiming ingredients on the label. Rule 22 | NOTE: The measure presented is based on an Act currently under consideration. The information presented is solely for guidance purposes and does not constitute an official requirement. TEPC will update this information as and when appropriate | Active | measures | Goods |
Radiation use has to be mentioned | About mentioning the use of Radiation use. | NOTE: The measure presented is based on an Act currently under consideration. The information presented is solely for guidance purposes and does not constitute an official requirement. TEPC will update this information as and when appropriate | Active | measures | Goods |