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Procedure Name Renewal of Trademark

The Patent, Design and Trade Mark Act, 2022 (1965)

Section 23B Procedure Relating to Renewal of Trademark

(1)    A  Trademark holder  shall renew  the trademark within a period of 35 days from the  date of  expiry of  the term  for which he is entitled to  use the patent, design or trade-mark under Section 8,  Section 14A or Section 18D by submitting an application in  a format  mentioned in  Schedule 2(F)and paying the fee motioned in Schedule 3. 

(2)     Renewal may be made by paying a fine of   One Thousand Rupees within six months after the expiry of the time-limit for the same pursuant Sub- Section (1). In case it is not so renewed registration of the patent, design and trade-mark shall be automatically cancelled.

Notwithstanding anything  contained in  Sub-Section (1) and (2),  a patent may be  renewed not  more than  twice for  a period  of Seven years at a time, a design not more than twice for a period of five years at a time, and a trade-mark any number of times for a period of seven years at a time

Requirements/Supporting Documents 

1. Application for renewal,

2. Original patent certificate,

3. Receipt of renewal fee,

4. The proof of renewal of patent in foreign country.

5. Authorization, identification, and mailing address in case a representative is nominated.,

6. In case of Trademark, proof of use of trademark. In case of national trademark, renewal of proof of industry or business. 

Category Procedure

Title Description Create Date Update Date Issued By File
Renewal of Trademark Application Form to Renew Trademark 2016-06-10 2016-08-22 Ministry of Industry

Name Measure Type Agency Description Comments Legal Document Validity To Measure Class
Renewal of Trademark Registration Requirement Ministry of Industry To update the legal arrangement in respect to patents for the convenience and economic benefit of the general public and businesses; to control and regulate the activities regarding patent Renewal of Trademark The Patent, Design and Trade Mark Act, 2022 (1965) 9999-12-31 Goods