How to Register


Step 1: Enter the URL to go to the portal

Step 2: Click on ‘Signup’, located on the top right corner of the web page OR hover on the Profile menu and select Business or Service Provider option and click on Click here option shown OR Click on Create your Business or Service profile in hover of Profile Menu

Step 3: After clicking on ‘Signup’ button, user will be redirected to the create account page.

Step 4: Fill the form to create an account and register to the system as shown.

Step 5: Click on the Register button once the form is filled.

Step 6: Verify the email with the code sent in your email address.

Note: Please note you have to complete this step first to create your business and service provider profile.

Create Business Profile:

Step 1: Click on the ‘Login’ button, located on the top right corner of the webpage

Step 2: Enter email address and password and sign in.

Step 3: After a successful login, navigate to the top right corner of the homepage and click on the welcome user menu and a dropdown menu would occur.

Step 4: Click on ‘Create your business profile’ on the dropdown menu.

Step 5: Enter valid Importer/Exporter code. After entering a valid code and uploading certificates of EXIM and Company Registration, additional fields required will be revealed.

Step 6: Enter the all the required information on the fields provided.

Step 7: Verify the information entered, then click on ‘Submit’ button.

Adding product

Step 1: After a successful login, the user will be redirected to his/her respective dashboard.

Step 2: Navigate to ‘View Product’ on the side menu.

Step 3: Enter the required fields to add product information.

Step 4: Verify product information and then click on ‘Save All’ button.

Note: User can only enter 5 products which will be featured with their profile in the portal.

Create Service Provider Profile:

Step 1: To become a service provider, click on the welcome user dropdown menu and select ‘Create your Service Provider Profile’.

Step 2: Upload the ‘Company Registration Certificate’ for processing further to register as service provider.

Step 3: After uploading the certificate, the service provider form would be revealed; enter the required information on the fields.

Step 4: Click on ‘Submit’ once the information entered is verified.

Note: The TEPC system administrator verifies and validates your submitted data. Your data will be visible in the portal once it is approved by system.