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Name Reproduction, broadcast and other communication allowed for purposes of information to the general public
Description Section 20. Reproduction, broadcast and other communication allowed for purposes of information to the general public: (1) Notwithstanding anything contained in clauses (a), (i) and (j) of Section 7, the following acts can be done, by mentioning the sources and name of the author of any work, without authorization of the author or the copyright owner of such work. (a) To print in any newspaper or journal or to make broadcast or other communication to public of any article, article under political or religious topics or similar other broadcasts published in any newspaper or journal. Provided, however, that such act shall not be prejudicial to the economic right of the author or the copyright owner. (b) To reproduce, broadcast or otherwise communicate or justify any event with a view to informing the general public about any current event. (c) To reproduce, broadcast or to make communication to public some portions of any regular newspaper or journal regularly publishing information for communication to the general public or pleadings made on court proceedings with a view to disseminating current information. (2) Notwithstanding anything contained in Sub-section (1), in caseswhere the author himself/herself has indicated that his/her work is prohibited from being reproduced, broadcast and other kinds of communications, no reproduction, broadcasting and other communication shall be allowed
Comments Comments
Validity From 2002-02-15
Validity To 9999-12-31
Technical Code
Agency Ministry of Industry
Created Date 2017-02-16 14:50:54.0
Update Date 2017-02-16 14:50:54.0
Status Active
Measure Type Rights
Legal/Regulation The Copyright Act, 2059 (2002)
Un code


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This measure applies to commodity/s

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