Legal Documents

View Measure

Name Value Added Tax on import
Description Section 48. Value Added Tax on import : (1) Tax shall be levied on the goods to be imported into the Nepal at the rate of tax chargeable on the goods supplied within the Nepal. (2) In fixing the value for purposes of determining the tax on the goods and services to be imported, it shall be fixed by following the process as referred to in Sub-sections (5) and (6) of Section 12 of the Act. (3) If the value of the imported goods cannot be fixed at the time of importation, permission shall be given to import such goods into the Nepal only upon taking deposit in a sum sufficient to cover all kinds of taxes or charges chargeable on such goods. The registered person shall not be allowed to deduct tax paid on such goods or services pending the fixation of the goods or services imported by him/her. (4) If any goods have been imported by furnishing a deposit, claim for tax deduction may be made only within One year of the date of fixation of the value.
Comments Comments
Validity From 1997-05-24
Validity To 9999-12-31
Technical Code
Agency Ministry of Finance
Created Date 2017-04-10 13:33:37.0
Update Date 2017-04-10 13:33:37.0
Status Active
Measure Type Import
Legal/Regulation Value Added Tax Rules 2053 (1996)
Un code


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This measure applies to commodity/s

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