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Procedure Name Renewal of license to produce, distribute or exhibit motion pictures

 Motion Picture (production, exhibition and distribution) Rules, 2057 (2000)

Section 10- Renewal of license to produce, distribute or exhibit motion pictures : (1) The distributor shall renew a license within Thirty Five days from the date of expiration of the license issued to distribute motion pictures upon paying Seven Thousands Rupees in the case of native motion pictures and Twenty Thousands Rupees for foreign motion pictures.

(2) In case of failing to renew the license within the period as referred to in Sub-rule (1), the license may be renewed within the following period upon the payment of the following additional fee.

(a) Twenty five percent of the renewal fee within Thirty-Five days from the expiry date of renewal of license. (b) Fifty percent of the renewal fee within Two months from the expiry date as referred to in clause (a).

(3) The exhibitor shall renew a license within Thirty-Five days from the date of expiry of the license issued to exhibit motion picture upon the payment of following fee for a cinema hall and the location: Class A and B class Cinema hall C class Cinema hall (1) Metropolitan City 25,000/- 20,000/- (2) Sub-Metropolitan City 20,000/- 16,000/- (3) Municipality 15,000/- 12,000/-


(4) Village Development Committee 10,000/- 8,000/- (4) In case of failing to renew the license within the period as referred to in Sub-rule (3), the license may be renewed within the following period upon the payment of following additional fee. (a) Twenty five percent of the renewal fee within Thirty-Five days from the expiry date of renewal of license. (b) Fifty percent of the renewal fee within Two months from the expiry date pursuant to Clause (a). (c) Seventy Five percent of the renewal fee within Three months from the expiry date pursuant to clause (b). (d) Cent percent of the renewal fee within Three months from the expiry date pursuant to clause (c).

(5) The licensee, who has not renewed license pursuant to Subrule (4) at the time of the commencement of this Sub-rule, may renew license within Three months after the commencement of this Sub-rule upon payment of renewal fee pursuant to this Rule, additional fee for the same and cent percent of extra fee of additional fee. ⇒(5a) The licensee, who has not renewed license pursuant to Sub-rule (4) at the time of the commencement of this Sub-rule, may renew license within Six months after the commencement of this Subrule upon payment of renewal fee pursuant to this Rule, additional fee for the same.

(6) The cinema hall to be renewed pursuant to this Rule upon only the recommendation made by the Board that cinema hall is appropriate to exhibit motion picture.

(7) If the license is not renewed within the period as referred to in Sub-rules (1), (2) (3), (4) and (5), such license shall ipso facto be cancelled

Category Procedure

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Name Measure Type Agency Description Comments Legal Document Validity To Measure Class
Renewal of license to produce, distribute or exhibit motion pictures Licensing Requirement Ministry of Information and Communication Renewal of license to produce, distribute or exhibit motion pictures Comments Motion Picture (production, exhibition and distribution) Rules, 2057 (2000) 9999-12-31 Goods