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Procedure Name Registration of Motor Vehicle

Motor Vehicles and Transport Management Rules, 2054 (1997)

Rule 4 - Registration of motor vehicle: (1) While obtaining the registration of a motor vehicle required to be registered pursuant to Section 14 of the Act, an application must be made to the Office with which the applicant intends to register the motor vehicle, in the format as referred to in Schedule-3 and accompanied by the following documents in addition to the documents set forth in Section 15 of the Act and by the fees as referred to in Schedule-3:

a)    In the event of importation of a motor vehicle registered ina foreign country, a copy of the registration certificate;

b)    The original copy of the entry registration as referred to inRule 3;

c)    In the event that the owner of motor vehicle is not presentin person and has sent someone else, the letter ofauthorization thereof.

(2) The Office shall, upon examining, as required, the application made pursuant to Sub-rule (1), register the motor vehicle in the motor vehicle register as referred to in Schedule-5 maintained in the Office, subject to the Act and the other provisions set forth in these Rules, and issue the registration certificate to the applicant.

(3) The Office shall issue a number plate code with figures and lettersas referred to in Schedule-6 to the owner of a motor vehicle registered pursuantto Sub-rule (2). The owner of motor vehicle shall display such number platecode on the concerned motor vehicle in a conspicuous manner.

(4) A number plate pursuant to Sub-rule (3) shall have to be embossed.]

Explanation: For the purpose of Sub-rule (4), "Embossed"

means an act of writing, in an elevated manner, in figures and

letters through electronic and mechanical means in metal plate.  Motor Vehicles and Transport Management Rules, 2054 (1997)

Rule 4 Registration of motor vehicle: (1) While obtaining the registration of a motor vehicle required to be registered pursuant to Section 14 of the Act, an application must be made to the Office with which the applicant intends to

register the motor vehicle, in the format as referred to in Schedule-3 and accompanied by the following documents in addition to the documents set forth in Section 15 of the Act and by the fees as referred to in Schedule-3:

a)    In the event of importation of a motor vehicle registered ina foreign country, a copy of the registration certificate;

b)    The original copy of the entry registration as referred to inRule 3;

c)    In the event that the owner of motor vehicle is not presentin person and has sent someone else, the letter ofauthorization thereof.


(2) The Office shall, upon examining, as required, the application made pursuant to Sub-rule (1), register the motor vehicle in the motor vehicle register as referred to in Schedule-5 maintained in the Office, subject to the Act and the other provisions set forth in these Rules, and issue the registration certificate to the applicant.

(3) The Office shall issue a number plate code with figures and lettersas referred to in Schedule-6 to the owner of a motor vehicle registered pursuantto Sub-rule (2). The owner of motor vehicle shall display such number platecode on the concerned motor vehicle in a conspicuous manner.

(4) A number plate pursuant to Sub-rule (3) shall have to be embossed.]

Explanation: For the purpose of Sub-rule (4), "Embossed"

means an act of writing, in an elevated manner, in figures and

letters through electronic and mechanical means in metal plate.  


Requirement/Supporting Documents
Article 14: Application to be made for the registration of motor vehicle: (1) If a motor vehicle is required to be registered pursuant to Section 14, a person,  firm or company or agent who has purchased the motor vehicle shall, where such a motor vehicle has been purchased within Nepal, make an application, accompanied by the evidence of such purchase, and a person, firm or company or agent who has imported such a motor vehicle from abroad shall, where such a motor vehicle has been imported from aboard, make anapplication, accompanied by the evidence of payment of customs duty of that motor vehicle, and other related documents, to the competent authority in theprescribed format and accompanied by the prescribed fees. Provided that, no registration fee shall be levied for the registration of a motor vehicle with diplomatic facility.  
(2) A person who makes an application pursuant to Sub-section (1)shall attach with the application a certified copy of the certificate of citizenship of Nepal and his or her three passport size photographs recentlytaken. 
(3) In the case of a governmental motor vehicle, the application shallalso be accompanied by a letter of the governmental office in whose namethe motor vehicle is going to be registered, and in the case of a motor vehiclewith diplomatic facility, it shall also be accompanied by a recommendationletter of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Government of Nepal. If amotor vehicle with diplomatic facility is to be registered in the name of anyperson, such a person shall attach a copy of his or her passport or citizenship
and three passport size photographs. 
 (4) If a foreign citizen who carries on any business and transactionwithin the State of Nepal intends to get any motor vehicle registered for his or her personal use, a recommendation letter of the concerned diplomaticmission shall also be attached, in addition to the matters set forth in Subsections(1)and(2).
 (5) If a motor vehicle is required to be registered in the name of aminor, his or her guardian shall, on his or her behalf, make an application, accompanied by three passport size photographs each of the minor and theguardian and a certified copy of citizenship.
Category Procedure

Title Description Create Date Update Date Issued By File
Application form for Registration of Motor Vehicle Sample of Application form for Registration of Motor Vehicle 2016-05-13 2016-10-04 Ministry of Physical Infrastructure and Transport

Name Measure Type Agency Description Comments Legal Document Validity To Measure Class
Registration of Motor Vehicle Registration Requirement Ministry of Physical Infrastructure and Transport To make transportation services consolidated,efficient and effective with a view to preventing motor vehicle accidents, enabling the victims of accidents to have compensation, providing for insurance and making transportation facilities available to the public generally in a simple and easily accessible manner. Comment Motor Vehicles and Transport Management Rules, 2054 (1997) 9999-12-31 Goods