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Procedure Name Refund of the deposit from the customs office

Customs Regulation, 2007

Rule – 55: Refund of the deposit 

1.  Anybody who deposited fund in the customs office as per this Act or rule, should apply for the refund to the customs officer within one year after the purpose for which the fund is deposited is realized. The application should specify the reasons and the amount of refund. The application should be enclosed with receipt of deposit and the related documents for refund.

2.  After the application is  received as per subsection 1, the customs officer should decide whether the deposit should be refunded and refund such deposit within three days of the date of decision. In case the deposit need not be refunded, the reasons for this should be notified to the applicant. 

3.  As per subsection 1, in case the application is not received within the time limit, the customs officer should prepare a list  and decide that the deposit will be refunded., in case  the application  received with evidence later,  such deposit should be transferred to the revenue account. 

Category Procedure

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Refund of the deposit from the customs office Formality Requirement Ministry of Finance Anybody who deposited fund in the customs office as per this Act or rule should apply for the refund to the customs officer within one year after the purpose for which the fund is deposited is realized. The application should specify the reasons and the amount of refund. The application should be enclosed with receipt of deposit and the related documents for refund. Comment Customs Regulation, 2064 (2007) 9999-12-31 Goods