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Procedure Name The terms to be followed while importing livestock product materials

Animal Health and Livestock Services Regulation, 2056 (2000)

Rule 15. The Terms to be Followed for Exporting (1) The Importer shall, while importing animal  origin or Livestock Products materials, have to abide by the following terms:

(a) If, out of the animals Imported, any animals has died during the course of Journey after having been departed from the point of Departure, the particulars thereof shall have to be submitted to the Quarantine Officer:

(b) The Transport vehicle to be used for importing animal origin or Livestock Products materials have to be disinfected;

(c) The particulars as to identity marks, number or weight and types of the animal origin or Livestock Products materials shall have to be submit to the Quarantine Officer at the time of import

(d) The transport vehicle to be  used for transport of the animals should be suitable from technical point of view.

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The terms to be followed while importing livestock products materials Formality Requirement Ministry of Livestock Development The Importer shall, while importing animal origin or Livestock Products materials, have to abide by the terms define by the regulation Comments Animal Health and Livestock Services Rules, 2056 (2000) 9999-12-31 Goods