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Procedure Name Obtain the Forest products

Forest Rules, 2051 (1995) 

Section 8. Application to be Submitted to Obtain the Forest products: (1) Any person, District Forest Product Supply Committee or Agency desiring of obtaining the Forest products shall submit an application to the Authorized Officer mentioning the following details: (a) Name of the Forest Product, (b) Name of the area from where the Forest Product desired to be obtained. (c) Category and quantity of the Forest Product. (d) Propose for which the Forest Product has to be obtained, and (e) Place where the Forest Product has to be used. 


Category Procedure

Title Description Create Date Update Date Issued By File

Name Measure Type Agency Description Comments Legal Document Validity To Measure Class
Application to be Submitted to Obtain the Forest products Permit Requirement Ministry of Forest and Soil Conservation Application to be Submitted to Obtain the Forest products Comments Forest Regulation, 2051 (1995) 9999-12-31 Goods