Market Analysis Tools
Market Analysis Tools
Market analysis is a key to find a profitable export destinations. It would involve understanding which country offers a viable market for your product, the incentives and/or barriers in those markets, nature of compliances required in those markets, competitors in those markets, among others. The information on these issues are available but scattered across the web in the country specific sites. Many international organizations have come together to harmonize trade data in order to trade flow information in a user friendly and easily accessible format. International Trade Centreâs trade statistics could help Nepali existing or aspiring exporters undertake market analysis by examining trade flows and trends, identify potential export markets, calculate duties, analyses market access requirements, identify and compare international voluntary standards, and much more.
Trade Statistics
ITC’s TradeMap provides indicators on export performance, international demand, alternative markets and competitive markets, as well as a directory of importing and exporting companies, for free. It covers 220 countries and territories and 5300 products of the Harmonized System. The monthly, quarterly and yearly trade flows are available from the most aggregated level to the tariff line level.
- Import and export statistics - over 200 markets
- Value, volume, growth %
- Target and emerging markets appraisal
- Monthly, quarterly and yearly updates
- For free
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WITS TradeStat Database
WITS TradeStat Database by the World Bank provides data on international merchandise and commercial services trade and overview of country and region's imports and exports, tariff and non-tariff measures. View international trade statistics by country or region to obtain the country or region's overall exports, imports and tariffs and details of exports and imports with various partner countries along with partner share.
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UNCTADStat by United Nations Conference on Trade and Development collects, manages and disseminates data, statistics and trends in international trade and trade policy.
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Accessing tariff and other non-tariff related information
Market Access Map
Market Access Map has been developed by ITC to support the needs of exporters, trade support institutions, trade policy makers and academic institutions in developing countries. It provides information about customs tariffs (including tariff preferences) applied by more than 200 countries and faced by 239 countries and territories. It also covers tariff rate quotas, trade remedies, rules and certificates of origin, bound tariffs of WTO members, non-tariff measures and trade flows to help users prioritize and analyse export markets as well as prepare for market access negotiations. Users can also find ad-valorem equivalents for all non ad-valorem duties and perform aggregations of products and countries as well as simulate tariff reduction scenarios
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The UNCTAD Trade Analysis Information System (TRAINS)
The UNCTAD Trade Analysis Information System (TRAINS) is a comprehensive computerized information system at the HS-based tariff line level (HS 6-digit). The database provides data on trade control measures, including, tariffs, para-tariffs, non-tariff measures.
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WITS integrates TRAINS with other trade-related databases, such as UN COMTRADE, WTO Integrated Data Base (IDB) and WTO Consolidated Tariff Schedules (CTS). It contains information on tariffs and other non-tariff requirements of over 100 countries. Information on the Most Favored Nation (MFN) and Effective Applied Tariff (AHS) tariffs imposed, trade indicators like number of export and import partners, herfindahl hirschman index, Index Of Export Market Penetration, Revealed Comparative Advantage (RCA) and much more are available.
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You can access information about import requirements of specific country by visiting their trade portals. European Union’s EU Trade Helpdesk contains information on exporting to all the EU member countries. Country Commercial Guide of the United States also offers information on Trade Regulations, Customs and Standards of more than 125 countries. You can use the free services offered by different multinational corporations on trading in major countries of the world, for example, SANTANDER TRADE provides resources to help importers and exporters find counterparts, explore various markets, organise shipments, bank internationally and get established overseas.