Major Export Products





9706 - Antiques of an age exceeding one hundred years.


970600 - Anatomical Collection, antique, over 100 years, Antique clocks, Antique furniture, Antique gold wares, Antique jewellery, Antique musical instruments, Antique silver wares, Archaeological Collection, antique, over 100 years, Botanical Collection, antique,


97060000 - Anatomical Collection, antique, over 100 years, Antique clocks, Antique furniture, Antique gold wares, Antique jewellery, Antique musical instruments, Antique silver wares, Archaeological Collection, antique, over 100 years, Botanical Collection, antique,


Country Group Group Description Activity Tariff Rate Unit Valid From Valid To
ID-SAARC Import Duty - SAARC Countries Import 10 KGM 2016-01-01 9999-12-31
ID-OTHER Import Duty - Other Countries Import 10 KGM 2016-01-01 9999-12-31
VAT Value Added Tax Import 13 KGM 2016-01-01 9999-12-31
TOT-INDIA Total Applicable Duty Rate - India Import 23.74 KGM 2016-01-01 9999-12-31
TOT-OSAARC Total Applicable Duty Rate - Other SAARC Countries Import 24.3 KGM 2016-01-01 9999-12-31
TOT-TIBET Total Applicable Duty Rate - Tibet Autonomous Region Import 23.96 KGM 2016-01-01 9999-12-31
TOT-OTHER Total Applicable Duty Rate - Others Import 24.3 KGM 2016-01-01 9999-12-31


Name Type Agency Description Comments Law Validity
Certificate of Origin Formality Requirement Ministry of Finance Section 21. Attachment of the documents with the declaration form: (1) A person importing or exporting goods pursuant to Section 18 of the Act, while submitting declaration form to the customs officer, shall submit the following documents including Certificate of Origin. Comments Customs Regulation, 2064 (2007) 9999-12-31 00:00:00.0
Generalized System of Preferences (GSP) Certificate Requirement Ministry of Finance 21. Attachment of the documents with the declaration form:(1) As per section 18 of the Act, the person importing or exporting goods,while submitting declaration form to the customs officer, should submitfollowing documents(a)..(b)...(c) For exportation(1) Invoice(2) Packing list(3) Certificate of Origin(4) Banking document regarding payment procedure, in case of export to third country(5) Documents which are required as per prevailing law regarding the recommendation, license, or certificate from any institution. However Certificate of Origin shall not be mandatory for the export in which G.S.P. certificate is required. Comments Customs Regulation, 2064 (2007) 9999-12-31 00:00:00.0
Export Prohibition Restriction Ministry of Industry Certain goods from following categories are absolutely prohibited for export. 1. Articles of Archaeological and Religious Importance 2. Conserved wildlife and related articles3. Drugs4. Articles of Industrial Raw Materials5. Industrial Raw Materials Export absolutely prohibited. Export and Import (Control) Act, 2013 (1957) 9999-12-31 00:00:00.0
Restriction on transfer, transaction, export or collection of ancient monument and archaeological object or curio Permit Requirement Ministry of Culture, Tourism, and Civil Aviation Section 13 - Anhistorical, archaeological or artistic object as prescribed by Government of Nepal by a notification published in the NepalGazette shall not be exported from Nepal or transferred from oneplace to another even within Nepal. Comments Ancient Monument Preservation Act 2013 (1956 AD) 9999-12-31 00:00:00.0
Curio Pass Certificate Certificate Requirement Ministry of Culture, Tourism, and Civil Aviation To control, protect and prevent illegal transactions, movement, modification and of export of items considered to the ancient monument, i.e., items more than 100 years old. Rs 5 plus Rs 10 Postage Stamps on the application form. The pass expires after export is done. Ancient Monument Preservtion Rules 2046 (1989) 9999-12-31 00:00:00.0


Name Description Category View Procedure Detail with Relevant Forms
Certificate of Origin Procedure to apply for Certificate of Origin Procedure View