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Status of Nepal Foreign Trade Statistics (Shrawan-Chaitra) FY 2079 80
Status of Nepal Foreign Trade Statistics (Shrawan-Chaitra) FY 2079 80

cf= j=@)&(÷*) sf] ( dlxgf ->fj0f–r}q_ cjlwsf] g]kfnsf] j}b]lzs Jofkf/ j:t'l:ylt



Jofkf/ tyf lgsf;L k|j4{g s]Gb|sf] k|f/lDes tYofFs cg';f/ cf=j= @)&(÷*) sf] k|yd ( dxLgfsf] cjlwdf g]kfnsf] s'n j}b]lzs Jofkf/ cl3Nnf] jif{sf] ;f]xL cjlwsf] t'ngfdf !*=( k|ltztn] x|f; cfO{  ? !#!(=&( cj{df  em/]sf] 5 . s'n Jofkf/df lgsf;L tyf k}7f/Lsf] of]ubfg qmdzM (=) k|ltzt / (!=) k|ltzt /x]sf] 5 . ;dLIff cjlwdf g]kfnsf] s'n lgsf;Ldf @^=# k|ltztn]  x|f; cfO{  ? !!!=@* cj{ tyf s'n k}7f/Ldf !*=!  k|ltztn] x|f; cfO{ ?= !@)!=%! cj{df  em/]sf] 5 . cf=j= @)&*÷&( sf] k|yd ( dxLgfsf] cjlwdf lgsf;L— k}7f/L Jofkf/sf] cg'kft !M(=! /x]sf]df cf=j= @)&(÷*) sf] ;f]xL cjlwdf lgsf;L— k}7f/L Jofkf/sf] cg'kft !M!)=@ /xg cfPsf] 5 .  


pQm cjlwdf g]kfnaf6 lgsf;L ePsf k|d'v j:t'x?df kfdt]n, e6df;sf] t]n, kf]lni6/ tyf cGo wfuf], pmgL un}+rf, kmnfd tyf kmnfdsf pTkfbgx?, cn}+rL, h'6 tyf h'6sf ;fdfgx?, tof/L kf]zfs, h';, pgL km]N6sf pTkfbg, lrof, klZdgf zn, s's'/ lj/fnfsf cfxf/f, sk8f, rfpmrfpm, h8La'6L, /f]lhg P08 /]lhg Pl;8, h'QfrKkn / g]kfnL xft]sfuh k|d'v ?kdf /x]sf 5g\ .

;dLIff cjlwdf kfdt]nsf] lgof{tdf %@=% k|ltztn] x|f; cfO{ ? !& ca{ #) s/f]8df em/]sf] 5 . ;dLIff cjlwdf e6df;sf] t]nsf] lgof{tdf *)=% k|ltztn] x|f; cfO{ ?= * ca{ $# s/f]8df  ;Lldt ePsf] 5 . ;dLIff cjlwdf kf]lni6/ ofg{sf] lgof{tdf ^=@ k|ltztn] x|f; cfO{ ?= * ca{ () s/f]8df em/]sf] 5 . pmgL un}+rfsf] lgof{tdf ;dLIff cjlwdf @#=$ k|ltztn] j[l4 eO{ ?= * ca{ $* s/f]8 k'u]sf] 5 ., kmnfd tyf ltgsf pTkfbgsf] lgof{tdf #)!=) k|ltztn] j[l4 eO{ ? & ca{ *$ s/f]8 k'Ug uPsf] 5 . tof/L kf]zfssf] lgof{tdf ;dLIff cjlwdf  !&=^ k|ltztn] j[l4 eO{ ?= % ca{ %^ s/f]8 k'u]sf] 5 .  h'6 tyf h'6sf pTkfbgsf] lgof{tdf ;dLIff cjlwdf *=# k|ltztn] x|f; cfO{ ?= % ca{ ** s/f]8df ;Lldt ePsf] 5 . o;} u/L csf]{ k|d'v lgof{thGo j:t' pmgL km]N6sf] lgsf;Ldf ;dLIff cjlwdf ;fdfGo x|f; cfO{ ? # ca{ ^@ s/f]8df ;Lldt ePsf] 5 .  ;dLIff cjlwdf h';sf] lgsf;Ldf !#=# k|ltztn] j[l4 eO{ ?= $ ca{ %* s/f]8 k'u]sf] 5 .

s[lifhGo j:t'sf] lgof{tdf cu|0fL :yfg xfl;n ul//x]sf] pTkfbg cn}+rLsf] lgof{tdf ;dLIff ^%=) k|ltztn] j[l4 eO{ ? ^ ca{ #^ s/f]8 k'u]sf] 5 . o;} u/L s[lifhGo j:t'sf] lgof{tdf cu|0fL :yfg  xfl;n ul//x]sf] csf]{ pTkfbg lrofsf] lgof{tdf klg ;dLIff cjlwdf  @^=) k|ltztn] j[l4 eO{ ? @ ca{ (* s/f]8 k'u]sf] 5 . 



;dLIff cjlwdf kfdsf] t]n tyf e6df;sf] t]ndf  %# ca{ (^ s/f]8 a/fa/sf] lgsf;L d"Nodf x|f; cfPsf] x'Fbf s'n lgof{tdf x|f;sf] cj:yf b]lvPsf] xf] . 

rfn' cfly{s jif{sf] k|yd  ( dxLgfdf k|zf]lwt vfB t]n - e6df;sf] t]n, kfdt]n, ;'o{d'vLt]n_ sf] lgof{t g]kfnsf] s'n lgof{tdf @@=)) k|ltztsf] lx:;f cf]u6\b} k|d'v lgof{thGo j:t'sf ?kdf sfod} /x]sf] 5 . o; cjlwdf oL j:t'x?sf] s'n lgof{t ? @% ca{ &# s/f]8 /x]sf] 5 . k|zf]lwt vfB t]nsf] lgof{t dWo] kfdt]n, e6df;sf] t]n tyf ;"o{d'vLt]nsf] lgof{tsf] lx:;f g]kfnsf] s'n lgof{tdf qmdzMM !$=^ k|ltzt, &=! / )=@ k|ltzt /x]sf] 5 .  


g]kfnsf] lgsf;L Jofkf/df k|d'v :yfg cfu6\g] ef/ttkm{sf] lgof{tdf ;dLIff cjlwdf #%=! k|ltztn] x|f; cfO{ ? *@ ca{ (( s/f]8df em/]sf] 5 . ef/ttkm{sf] lgsf;Ldf x|f; cfpg'df ef/ttkm{ x'g] kfd, e6df; tyf ;"o{d'vL t]ndf ?=%& ca{ ^^ s/f]8 a/fa/sf] x|f; cfpg' g} k|d'v sf/0fsf ?kdf /x]sf] 5 .   

g]kfnsf] s'n lgsf;Ldf cl3Nnf] cfly{s jif{sf] ;f]xL cjlwdf ef/ttkm{sf] lx:;f &(=^% k|ltzt /x]sf]df rfn' cfly{s jif{sf] ;f]xL cjlwdf ;f] lx:;f &)=!^ k|ltzt em/]sf] 5 .  g]kfnsf] lgof{t Jofkf/df dxTjk"0f{ /x]sf cGo d'n'sx?df ;+o'Qm /fHo cd]l/sf, hd{gL, o's], 6sL{, Sofg8f, k|mfG;, ci6«]lnof, hfkfg, O6fnL, g]b/n]08\;, 8]gdfs{, / rLg k|d''v ?kdf /x]sf 5g\ .

k}7f/Ltkm{ cf=j= @)&(÷*) sf] k|yd ( dlxgfsf] cjlwdf cl3Nnf] cfly{s jif{sf] ;f]xL cjlwsf] t'ngfdf k]6«f]lnod kbfy{sf] cfoftdf %=* k|ltztn] j[l4 eO{  ?= @#)=&@ ca{ k'u]sf] 5 . ;dLIff cjlwdf kmnfd tyf :6Ln / ltgsf pTkfbgx?sf] cfoftdf !&=) k|ltztn] x|f; cfO{ ?= !@)=%% ca{, dlzg/L tyf kf6{\;df ##=) k|ltztn] x|f; cfO{ ?= &%=#! ca{df em/]sf] 5 eg] ;"gsf] cfoftdf !!=) k|ltztn] j[l4 eO{ ? #&=#! ca{ k'u]sf]  5 . On]lS6«s / On]S6«f]lgs ;fdfu|Lx?df !!=) k|ltztn]] x|f; cfO{ ?= $^=)( ca{df ;Lldt /x]sf] 5 . oftfoftsf ;fwg / ltgsf kf6{k'hf{sf] cfoftdf ^#=$ k|ltztn] x|f; cfO{ ?= #^=$$ ca{df em/]sf] 5 .  sRrf e6df; t]nsf] cfoftdf #$=@ k|ltztn] x|f; cfO{ ?= #)=)) ca{df em/]sf] 5 . cGgsf] cfoftdf @(=$ k|ltztn] x|f; cfO{ $#=%# ca{df em/]sf] 5 . ;dLIff cjlwdf cf}ifwLsf] cfoftdf $)=% k|ltztn]] x|f; cfO{ ?= #%=!( ca{df v'lDrPsf] 5 .  b'/;~Rff/sf ;fdfu|Lsf] cfoftdf #(=) k|ltztn] x|f; cfO{  ? @&=%* ca{df  em/]sf] 5 . o;}u/L /f;folgs dnsf] cfoftdf !!*=*  k|ltztn] j[l4 eO{  ? #)=!( ca{ k'u]sf] 5  .  kfd t]nsf] cfoftdf #!=@ k|ltztn] x|f; cfO{ @@=)$ ca{df ;Lldt ePsf] 5 . g]kfnsf] k}7f/L Jofkf/df k|d'v d'n'sx?df ef/t, rLg, O08f]g]lzof, o'PO{, ch]{l06gf, dn]lzof, ci6]«lnof,  o'qm]g,, ;+o'Qm /fHo cd]l/sf,, stf/, a]lNhod,  cf]dfg, ;fpbL c/]laof / yfOn]08  k|d''v ?kdf /x]sf 5g\ .


rfn' cfly{s jif{ @)&(÷*) k|yd ( dlxgfdf cl3Nnf] cfly{s jif{sf] ;f]xL cjlwsf] t'ngfdf  ;du| k}7f/Ldf x|f; cfpFbf Jofkf/3f6fdf ;'wf/ ePsf] 5 . o; cjlwdf Jofkf/3f6fdf @^=! k|ltztn] x|f; cfO{ s'n Jofkf/3f6f ?= !)*#=@# cj{df em/]sf] 5 .


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